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2010년 GKS 외국인 유학장학생 모집 안내

2010-02-23l 조회수 3455

국립국제교육원에서는 긍정적인 국가이미지 제고 및 친한인사 육성을 위하여 'GKS(Global Korea Scholarship)장학생을 아래와 같이 모집하오니 재학중인 우수한 학생들의 많은 지원 바랍니다. 1. 선발인원 : 400명 2. 장학금 지원내용 : 1인당 600만원(월 50만원 X 12개월) 3. 지원서 제출기한 및 제출처 : 2010. 2. 25(목) 12:00 대외협력본부 4. 지원자격 등 세부내용 : 붙임 내용 참조 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The National Institute for International Education is presently recruiting Global Korea Scholarship students (GKS) to enhance Korea's national image and to nurture figures who are friendly toward Korea. We encourage excellent CALS students (currently enrolled) to actively apply. 1. 400 students will be selected for this scholarship 2. Amount of scholarship support: KRW 6,000,000 per person (500,000 Won a month X 12 months) 3. When and where to submit application : please submit before 12:00 on Feb. 25, 2010 (Thur) to the Office of International Affairs 4. Please refer to the attached file for details such as qualifications

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