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Jun-Hyung TakAssociate Professor
Undergraduate :
Department of Applied Biology and Chemistry / Program in Applied BiologyGraduate :
Department of Agricultural Biotechnology / Program in Entomology - Major : Insect Pest Chemical Control
- jhtak@snu.ac.kr HOMEPAGE
Jung Jin HwaProfessor
Undergraduate :
Department of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development / Program in Agricultural & Resource EconomicsGraduate :
Department of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development / Program in Agricultural & Resource Economics - Major : Human Resources Development, Technological Innovation
- jhjung@snu.ac.kr
Jungmin HaAssociate Professor
Graduate :
Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Bioresources / Program in Crop Science and Biotechnology - Major :
- jungmin.ha@snu.ac.kr
Kang ByoungCheorlProfessor
Undergraduate :
Department of Plant Science / Program in Horticultural Science and BiotechnologyGraduate :
Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Bioresources / Program in Horticultural Science - Major : Molecular Breeding and Genetics
- bk54@snu.ac.kr HOMEPAGE
Kang Donh HyunProfessor
Undergraduate :
Department of Food and Animal Biotechnology / Program in Food Science and BiotechnologyGraduate :
Department of Agricultural Biotechnology / Program in Food Science and Biotechnology - Major : Food Safety
- kang7820@snu.ac.kr HOMEPAGE
Kang Kyu SukProfessor
Undergraduate :
Department of Forest Sciences / Program in Forest Environmental ScienceGraduate :
Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Bioresources / Program in Forest Environmental Science - Major : Forest Genetics and Breeding
- kangks84@snu.ac.kr
Kang, Jun-SukProfessor
Undergraduate :
Department of Landscape Architecture and Rural Systems Engineering / Program in Landscape ArchitectureGraduate :
Department of Landscape Architecture and Rural Systems Engineering / Program in Landscape Architecture - Major : Landscape Construction and Engineering
- junkang@snu.ac.kr HOMEPAGE
Ki, Chang SeokProfessor
Undergraduate :
Department of Biosystems & Biomaterials Science and Engineering / Program in Biomaterials EngineeringGraduate :
Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Bioresources / Program in Biomaterials Engineering - Major : Soft biopolymeric materials
- ki.cs@snu.ac.kr HOMEPAGE
Kim GhiseokProfessor
Undergraduate :
Department of Biosystems & Biomaterials Science and Engineering / Program in Biosystems EngineeringGraduate :
Department of Biosystems Engineering - Major : Lab. of Physical Properties and Process Engineering of Agricultural Products
- ghiseok@snu.ac.kr HOMEPAGE
Kim Hyun SeokProfessor
Undergraduate :
Department of Forest Sciences / Program in Forest Environmental ScienceGraduate :
Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Bioresources / Program in Forest Environmental Science - Major : Tree Physiology
- cameroncrazies@snu.ac.kr HOMEPAGE