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An DongHwanProfessor

  • Undergraduate :
    Department of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development / Program in Agricultural & Resource Economics
    Graduate :
    Department of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development / Program in Agricultural & Resource Economics
  • Major : Regional Economics, Rural Development
  • dha@snu.ac.kr
An DongHwan

Baik MyunggiProfessor

  • Undergraduate :
    Department of Food and Animal Biotechnology / Program in Animal Science and Biotechnology
    Graduate :
    Department of Agricultural Biotechnology / Program in Animal Science and Biotechnology
  • Major : Ruminant Nutrition and Physiology
  • mgbaik@snu.ac.kr HOMEPAGE
Baik Myunggi

Chang Pahn-ShickProfessorDean of CALS

  • Undergraduate :
    Department of Food and Animal Biotechnology / Program in Food Science and Biotechnology
    Graduate :
    Department of Agricultural Biotechnology / Program in Food Science and Biotechnology
  • Major : Enzyme Technology
  • pschang@snu.ac.kr HOMEPAGE
Chang Pahn-Shick

Chang, Chin-SungProfessor

  • Undergraduate :
    Department of Forest Sciences / Program in Forest Environmental Science
    Graduate :
    Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Bioresources / Program in Forest Environmental Science
  • Major : Plant Taxonomy/Dendrology & Conservation Biology
  • quercus@snu.ac.kr HOMEPAGE
Chang, Chin-Sung

Chang-Sik OhAssociate Professor

  • Undergraduate :
    Department of Applied Biology and Chemistry / Program in Applied Biology
    Graduate :
    Department of Agricultural Biotechnology / Program in Plant Microbiology
  • Major : Plant Bacteriology
  • cso35@snu.ac.kr HOMEPAGE
Chang-Sik Oh

Changku Kang Associate Professor

  • Undergraduate :
    Department of Applied Biology and Chemistry / Program in Applied Biology
    Graduate :
    Department of Agricultural Biotechnology / Program in Entomology
  • Major : Insect Ecology
  • changkukang@snu.ac.kr HOMEPAGE
Changku Kang

Chanseok ShinProfessor

  • Undergraduate :
    Department of Applied Biology and Chemistry / Program in Applied Life Chemistry
    Graduate :
    Department of Agricultural Biotechnology / Program in Applied Life Chemistry
  • Major : Biochemistry
  • cshin@snu.ac.kr HOMEPAGE
Chanseok Shin

Choe, HyeyeongAssociate Professor

  • Undergraduate :
    Department of Forest Sciences / Program in Forest Environmental Science
    Graduate :
    Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Bioresources / Program in Forest Environmental Science
  • Major : Landscape Management and Geoinformatics
  • hy.choe@snu.ac.kr
Choe, Hyeyeong

Choi DoilProfessor

  • Undergraduate :
    Department of Plant Science / Program in Horticultural Science and Biotechnology
    Graduate :
    Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Bioresources / Program in Horticultural Science
  • Major : Molecular Genetics
  • doil@snu.ac.kr HOMEPAGE
Choi Doil

Choi InGyuProfessor

  • Undergraduate :
    Department of Forest Sciences / Program in Environmental Materials Science
    Graduate :
    Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Bioresources / Program in Environmental Materials Science
  • Major : Wood Chemistry
  • cingyu@snu.ac.kr HOMEPAGE
Choi InGyu