The Department of Landscape Architecture and Regional Systems Engineering is composed of two majors: Landscape Architecture and Regional Systems Engineering. Both majors focus on research and practical applications related to creating environments. The Regional Systems Engineering major deals with infrastructure, while the Landscape Architecture major focuses on shaping living spaces.
Landscape architecture major focuses on the creation of landscapes, aiming for the healthy and sustainable coexistence of nature and humans. This field encompasses the comprehensive process of researching, planning, designing, and managing the environment. Since the research subjects involve the environment around us, students need a well-rounded understanding of natural sciences, engineering, humanities & social sciences, and the arts. During the undergraduate program, students learn general courses from professors specializing in each area. In graduate school, they receive more advanced education to develop expertise in specific fields.
Regional Systems Engineering is a discipline that handles the essential infrastructure that supports life in rural areas. To effectively utilize key rural resources like land and water, it is crucial to build a solid physical foundation, as well as integrate various regional resources into a software-based information system. Since rural areas are vast and diverse, the problems they face are complex. To solve these issues, students must think in an integrative manner, combining various engineering elements. Thus, Regional Systems Engineering encompasses a wide range of engineering technologies related to space, life, information, and the environment to sustainably manage regional resources. After graduation, students can pursue careers in academia, government, research institutions, public corporations, and private companies.
Want to study Landscape & Rural Systems?
Name | Major | TEL | |
Professor Choi, Jin-Yong |
Rural Water & Information Engineering | +82-2-880-4583 | iamchoi@snu.ac.kr |
Associate Professor Choi, Won |
Agricultural Structure & Systems Engineering | +82-2-880-4715 | fembem@snu.ac.kr |
Assistant Professor Choi, YoungJoon |
Landscape Design Performance | +82-2-880-4887 | yj.choi@snu.ac.kr |
Professor Jeong, Wook-Ju |
Landscape Design | +82-2-880-4873 | wookju@snu.ac.kr |
Professor Kang, Jun-Suk |
Landscape Construction and Engineering | +82-2-880-4872 | junkang@snu.ac.kr |
Professor Kim, Joon |
Complex Systems Science | +82-2-880-4663 | joon@snu.ac.kr |
Professor Kim, Song-Bae |
Environmental Biocolloid Engineering | +82-2-880-4587 | songbkim@snu.ac.kr |
Professor Lee Dongkun |
Landscape Ecology & GIS | +82-2-880-4875 | dklee7@snu.ac.kr |
Professor Lee, In-Bok |
Aero-Environmental Engineering | +82-2-880-4586 | iblee@snu.ac.kr |
Professor Moon-Seong Kang |
Rural Water Resources Systems Engineering | +82-2-880-4582 | mskang@snu.ac.kr |
Professor Pae, Jeong-Hann |
Integrated Design & Landscape Aesthetics | +82-2-880-4877 | jhannpae@snu.ac.kr |
Associate Professor Ryu, Youngryel |
Environmental Ecology | +82-2-880-4871 | yryu@snu.ac.kr |
Associate Professor Song, In-Hong |
Rural Environment Conservation Engineering | +82-2-880-4581 | inhongs@snu.ac.kr |
Professor Yoon HeeYeun |
Landscape Planning | +82-2-880-4876 | hyyoon@snu.ac.kr |
Professor Younghwan Son |
Rural Geo-environmental Engineering | +82-2-880-4585 | syh86@snu.ac.kr |