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CALS Student

  • The 20th CALS Global Challenger Program

    Mar 15, 2018 l Hit 2195

    The College of Agriculture and Life Sciences (CALS) at Seoul National University offers the CALS Global Challenger Program (“CALS Program”) every semester. This Program provides opportunity for the College’s students (who face globalization of the agriculture industry) to visit ...

  • CALS International Internship Program

    Nov 9, 2017 l Hit 2368

    Each year, the CALS International Internship Program offers both undergraduate and graduate students of CALS an opportunity to gain experience overseas interning at international firms, Korean firms in international locations, or international organizations. Through the program, students can explore working l...

  • 2017 CALS Festival “Nong Time Nong See”

    Nov 9, 2017 l Hit 2090

    CALS’ biannual festival, this year entitled “Nong Time Nong See,” was held at the CALS plaza on Tuesday, May 23. The title is from the popular English phrase “long time no see,” substituting in the word “nong,” which means “agriculture” in Korean. T...

  • 4th CALS Startup Competition

    Nov 9, 2017 l Hit 1611

    On June 12, 2017, the 4th CALS Startup Competition award ceremony was held in the Yoon Dae-Seop conference room of the CALS building. The contest was developed to stimulate the interest, professionalism, and growth of potential entrepreneurs equipped with creative ideas and cutting-edge technology. All...

  • CALS 1st agricultural life science camp for teenager

    Mar 22, 2017 l Hit 1978

    CALS becoming more accessible to youth CALS youth camp provides an opportunity to understand and experience the fields and majors in CALS to first-year high school students, and thereby helps them to understand the fields in the agricultural and life sciences and explore their career paths. By providing exper...

  • CALS Promotional UCC Contest

    Mar 22, 2017 l Hit 1815

    SNU College of Agricultural and Life Science held the CALS UCC contest. To create a UCC that can promote the roles of our college, a total of 10 teams entered this contest. This was the first UCC contest held by CALS. The first and second prizes were each given to one team, and the third prize was given...

  • Special seminar “CALS meets passion and intelligence”

    Mar 22, 2017 l Hit 1821

    Our college has been hosting a special seminar series titled “CALS meets passion and intelligence” since the second semester of 2007 by inviting highly reputable speakers in order to promote a spirit of challenge and confidence in our students and enhance their self-esteem as SNU students. &...

  • Allaying the concerns of all CALS members: the CALS student counseling center, “Nong:Dam”

    Jul 5, 2016 l Hit 2282

    Last April saw the opening of the new CALS student counseling center, Nong:Dam. In response to the recent increase in demand for psychological counseling, a student counseling center has been created within the college, to allow CALS students to receive counseling more conveniently. Nong:Dam aims ...

  • Encouraging students to dream of becoming global researchers: the Creative Research Program

    Jul 5, 2016 l Hit 2071

    The CALS Creative Research Program enables undergraduate students to develop an interest in research and feel a sense of achievement. The students are given the opportunity to lead an experiment themselves. After deciding on a research topic with his or her advisor, the...

  • A global vision for students! CALS Global Challenger

    Jul 5, 2016 l Hit 2358

    Of the various student support programs at CALS, the one that receives the most attention is Global Challenger. This program provides an opportunity for CALS students to experience at first hand organizations and locations involved in the agricultural industry, and to develop a new ...