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Interview with a student about the reconstruction of Building 75

2024-01-12l Hit 334

 Building 75, located near the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences in Building 200, is currently being rebuilt to house the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, the Historical Research and Archives, the Alumni Association, and the University newspaper. With the reconstruction scheduled to be completed in the first half of next year, the news that facilities for students will be built in the free space of Bldg. 200 is raising students' interest. We interviewed Ham Jaehee, a student in the Department of Agricultural Economics and Sociology, about
the reconstruction of Building 75.

Q. Please introduce yourself.

A. Hello, I am Ham Jaehee, a student majoring in agricultural resource economics at the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Department of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development.

Q. Were there any inconveniences with the reconstruction?

A. Due to the reconstruction of Building 75, it was a little inconvenient that construction materials were placed nearby. On the way to Building 75-1 to eat hakshik, I could see various construction equipment and materials piled up. I felt that these materials were inconvenient for normal traffic and a little disturbing during events. For example, during the last CALS festival, I remember feeling that there was a lack of space and clutter because various equipment was placed in front of Building 75.

Q. What do you think about the executive and administrative offices moving to Bldg. 75 after the reconstruction?

A. I think it is unnecessary to move the student government executive and administrative offices. Both the executive and administrative offices are major facilities that are heavily used by students. Since Bldg. 200 is the main building used by agricultural students, I think it would be better for students and other users with inquiries to remain in Bldg. 200, where both facilities are more accessible.

If I could make one suggestion after seeing the plans for utilizing the space in Bldg. 75, I would like to see additional information provided to students as I am not sure what exactly the proposed co-working space or startup support space means.

Q. How do you think the free space in Bldg. 200 should be utilized after the relocation of Bldg. 75?

A. With the extra space, I would like to see more facilities for students to study freely. Since the recent renewal of the use space on the first floor, it is easy to see students from other colleges visiting and studying on there. Of course, it is a facility that anyone can use, but as I saw CALS students moving to other places because there was no place to study in Bldg. 200, I thought that I would like to see more spaces available for CALS students.

Also, if there is enough space, I think it would be great to have a vegetable garden or smart farm that students can manage on their own. I saw many students around me who were interested in vegetable gardening or smart farms, and I think it would be very helpful if they had the opportunity to experience it at the College of Agriculture.

Q. Please feel free to say anything you would like to say in closing.

A. I remember that Bldg. 75 was under reconstruction when I entered the school. I hope that the construction will be completed before I graduate so that I can use the new Bldg. 75. I also hope that the reconstruction and space utilization will go smoothly so that students can use the facilities more comfortably.