EKAFREE Project officials visited CALS

2017-03-22l Hit 2608


 European university associates of the EU-Korea Agricultural, Food and Resource Economics Experts Building Project (EKAFREE), participated by researchers in the fields of agriculture and resource economics, visited SNU on June 1st. The EKAFREE project is a joint degree graduate program supported by the Ministry of Education from both Korea and EU as an educational cooperative project. Three universities in Korea (Seoul National University, Korea University, Chungbuk University) and five universities in Europe (Ghent University in Belgium, University of Pisa in Italy, Slovak University of Agriculture in Slovakia, Humboldt University of Berlin in Germany, and Agro ParisTech in France) have joined this program. A total of nine professors and associates from the five European universities participating in this project visited our school and actively discussed education and specific plans for recruiting graduate students who will participate in the joint degree program. This project is very meaningful because it offers a variety of benefits, such as raising international awareness for graduate students majoring in agriculture and resource economics and deepening their knowledge in these majors with support from the government.