

Department of Applied Biology and Chemistry

☎ +82-2-880-4650 200-7108 http://abc.snu.ac.kr
The Department of Applied Biology and Chemistry was established to become the cornerstone of education, research, and outreach programs for the field of basic and applied sciences in the disciplines of agriculture and bio-production. These areas are essential for shaping Korea's future in the 21st century. Focused programs in biochemistry, microbiology, biotechnology, pesticides, and soil science are offered to address the scientific needs in the fields of bio-processing, plant protection, microbial production, pesticides, and improvement of environmental quality.

Further opportunities exist in graduate school in the fields of agricultural biotechnology and bioenvironmental chemistry, plant microbiology, entomology, environmental biology, and plant pathology. Students who successfully complete their studies will find excellent opportunities in their careers to lead in numerous areas including agricultural, environmental, biotechnological, pharmaceutical, and food-related fields.

Program in Applied Biology

☎ +82-2-880-4690,4700 +82-2-873-2317, 2319 200-5108, 200-6107 HOMEPAGE
The Applied Biology Program of CALS provides students with high quality education and research opportunities in both applied and basic areas, primarily related to agriculturally-important organisms and their management in order to promote the stability of agricultural production.

The undergraduate programs, including entomology and plant microbiology, have recently put more emphasis on the application of cutting-edge sciences and technologies, such as molecular biology, genetics, and biotechnology, in order to establish a new paradigm of sustainable agriculture and environment as well as to address practical aspects of plant disease and pest management.

The program in plant microbiology offers courses on the basic and applied aspects of fungi, bacteria, viruses, and nematodes as plant pathogens, the development mechanisms of plant disease, disease epidemiology, mycotoxicology, and environmentally important soil microorganisms. In the entomology program, education and research are offered in the areas of insect systematics, ecology and population dynamics, insect physiology, insect molecular biology and biotechnology, and bioactive natural products.
응용생물학 전공
Name Major TEL Email
Kim, Kook-Hyung
Plant Virology +82-2-880-4677 kookkim@snu.ac.kr
Lee, Kwang Pum
Insect Physiology +82-2-880-4693 kwanglee@snu.ac.kr
Lee, Seunghwan
Insect Systematics +82-2-880-4703 seung@snu.ac.kr
Lee, Sihyeock
Insect molecular biology +82-2-880-4704 shlee22@snu.ac.kr
Lee, Yong-Hwan
Plant Fungal Pathology +82-2-880-4674 yonglee@snu.ac.kr
Je, Yeon Ho
Insect Microbiology & Biotechnology +82-2- 880-4706 btrus@snu.ac.kr
Associate Professor
Son, Ho Kyoung
Physiological Plant Pathology +82-2-880-4681 hogongi7@snu.ac.kr
Associate Professor
Jun-Hyung Tak
Insect Pest Chemical Control +82-2-880-4702 jhtak@snu.ac.kr
Associate Professor
Kim, Kwang-Hyung
Plant Disease Ecology Lab +82-2-880-4672 sospicy77@snu.ac.kr
Assistant Professor
Lee, Jae Hoon
Clinical Plant Pathology +82-2-880-4685 jaehoon@snu.ac.kr
Associate Professor
Changku Kang
Insect Ecology +82-2-880-4705 changkukang@snu.ac.kr
Associate Professor
Chang-Sik Oh
Plant Bacteriology +82-2-880-4676 cso35@snu.ac.kr
Associate Professor
Sohn Kee Hoon
Plant Immunity +82-2-880-4673 keehoon.sohn@snu.ac.kr