

Department of Applied Biology and Chemistry

☎ +82-2-880-4650 200-7108 http://abc.snu.ac.kr
The Department of Applied Biology and Chemistry was established to become the cornerstone of education, research, and outreach programs for the field of basic and applied sciences in the disciplines of agriculture and bio-production. These areas are essential for shaping Korea's future in the 21st century. Focused programs in biochemistry, microbiology, biotechnology, pesticides, and soil science are offered to address the scientific needs in the fields of bio-processing, plant protection, microbial production, pesticides, and improvement of environmental quality.

Further opportunities exist in graduate school in the fields of agricultural biotechnology and bioenvironmental chemistry, plant microbiology, entomology, environmental biology, and plant pathology. Students who successfully complete their studies will find excellent opportunities in their careers to lead in numerous areas including agricultural, environmental, biotechnological, pharmaceutical, and food-related fields.

Program in Applied Life Chemistry

☎ +82-2-880-4650 +82-2-873-3112 200-7108 HOMEPAGE
The applied life chemistry program (previously the agricultural chemistry program) covers both biotechnology and environmental sciences, which exist on the forefront of scientific research in the 21st century. Life chemistry is an advanced applied science, emphasizing the fundamental scientific principles and theories for the production and regulation of living organisms and their biochemical processes.

The applied life chemistry program can be divided into two disciplines: applied biochemistry and environmental chemistry. Applied biochemistry focuses on biochemistry, molecular biology, plant genomics and nutrition, natural product chemistry, microbial biotechnology, and structural biology. Environmental chemistry focuses on soil chemistry and physics, ecological chemistry, pesticide chemistry and toxicology, and fertilizer science. The applied life chemistry program provides a broad spectrum of education to understand biological phenomena and processes, and ecological environments both as a foundation for agricultural production and as habitats of living organisms. The education provided in this program can be further applied to industries in agriculture and other closely related areas.
응용생명화학 전공
Name Major TEL Email
Minkyun Kim
Plant Genomics & Nutrition +82-2-880-4641 mkkim3@snu.ac.kr
Euiyoung Bae
Biophysical Chemistry +82-2-880-4648 bae@snu.ac.kr
Chanseok Shin
Biochemistry +82-2-880-4643 cshin@snu.ac.kr
Sangkee Rhee
Structural Biology +82-2-880-4647 srheesnu@snu.ac.kr
Associate Professor
Kwon, Yonghoon
Organic Chemistry +82-2-880-4642 y_kwon@snu.ac.kr
Associate Professor
Young Hun Song
Plant Molecular Biology +82-2-880-4649 younghsong@snu.ac.kr
Associate Professor
Goontaek Lee
Soil Chemistry +82-2-880-4645 gtlee@snu.ac.kr
Assistant Professor
Kyungmin Kim
Soil Environmental science and Ecology +82-2-880-4646 km_kim@snu.ac.kr
Assistant Professor
Min, Kyungjin
Biogeochemistry +82-2-880-4644 kjmin@snu.ac.kr