Research Institute of Agriculture and Life Sciences
The Research Institute of Agriculture and Life Sciences of Seoul National University was established on September 9, 2001, as an institute stemming from the Institute of Agricultural Science and Development (established in 1967) to integrate several institutes within the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences and to support research projects and to manage and organize institutes and centers. Recently, the research institute developed eight affiliated research institutes and two management organizations - the Center for Agricultural Science and Technology and the Administration Office - to concentrate on studies of agriculture and life sciences and to promote international joint researches with industrial-educational-institutional cooperation. In particular, the aim of establishing the research institute is to lead the development of agriculture and life sciences in the 21st century by settling the supply of agricultural biological resources, promoting rural communities, and researching environment-friendly agriculture and life sciences.

- TEL +82-2-880-4910~4
- FAX +82-2-873-7729
The research institute performs the following functions to support and maximize research activities and capabilities in the field of agriculture and life sciences;
- Research support in the fields of agriculture and life sciences for securing supplies and various applications of biological resources, environment-friendly agricultural production, rural development, and conservation of the environment
- Attraction and efficient management of research funds
- Planning and supporting collaborative and interdisciplinary research
- Academic information service in agriculture and life sciences and technology
- Planning and supporting research activities through seminars, symposia, conferences, etc.
- Providing public information and education on agriculture, life science, and technology
- Publication of academic and general series, academic journals (Research in Agriculture and Life Sciences), and annual reports
Affilliated institutes
Center for Plant Science and Biotechnology | The Center for Plant Science and Biotechnology consists of divisions of Plant Genetic Material, Plant Biotechnology, Environment-friendly Production Technology, Facility Production, and Post-harvest Management Technology. It performs researches in the following areas; · Collection of genetic resources and identification of useful genetic resources · Physiology of crop plants and sustainable environment-friendly production technologies · Production technologies of crop plants based on plant physiology and environmental control · Storage, processing, value-added technologies post harvest crops |
Center for Bio-resources and Food | The Center for Bio-resources and Food consists of divisions of Biological Systems Engineering, Biological Resources Engineering, System Engineering for Bio-resource Production, and Food Engineering. It performs researches in the following areas; · Development and analysis of crop and livestock production systems, machinery systems for the production and process, and production information systems · Development, analysis, process, production and application of bio-resources · Development and conservation of water resources, construction and management of rural infra-structures, environmental conservation and improvement of natural resources, and development of resource information systems · Food-biotechnology including production, process, preservation, safety and transportation of food |
Center for Plant Environment Science | The Center for Plant Environment Science consists of divisions of Natural Ecosystem, Environmental Stress Biology, Environmental Management and Contamination, and Animal and Plant Protection. It performs researches in the following areas; · Dynamics and statics of ecosystem · Biological and chemical responses of plants against environmental stress · Relevant management of soil, water and atmosphere, development and application of pesticides and fertilizers, and assessment and remediation of environmental pollution · Plant protection and biological control |
Center for Future Environmental and Forest Resources | The Center for Forestry and Forest Products consists of divisions of Forest Resources, Conservation of Forest Environment, Wood Engineering, and Forest Products Chemistry and Paper Science. It performs researches in the following areas; · Establishment and management of forest resources and production of forest goods · Conservation and use of forest environment such as forest land and soil, watershed and biodiversity · Quality improvement and functional development of wood and bio-composite products, and design of engineered wood and timber construction · Paper and lignocellulosic bio-energy making process and chemical properties of environmental and forest resources |
Center for Animal Science and Technology | The Center for Animal Science and Technology consists of divisions of Breeding and Reproduction, Nutrition and Feed, and Food Resources of Animal Origin. It performs researches in the following areas; · Improvement of economic animal productivity and genetic resources, and its industrial applications in the establishment of novel animal biotechnology · Efficient utilization of nutrients, production of feed and sedge, lactation, physiology, livestock environment, and development of new materials based on animals · Quality improvement and functional processing of dairy, meat, and other stock products |
Center for North Korean and Foreign Agriculture | The Center for North Korean and Foreign Agriculture consists of divisions of Agricultural Production, Marketing and Processing, Rural Development, and International Cooperation. It performs researches in the following areas; · Production, application, and technological development of North Korean and foreign agricultural, forest, and animal products · Marketing and processing of agricultural, forest, and animal products · Educational, social, systemic, circumstantial, and resourceful policies for agricultural and rural development · International cooperation and exchange for agriculture and the rural community |
Center for Regional Planning and Landscape Architecture | The Center for Regional Planning and Landscape Architecture consists of divisions of Landscape Architecture Planning and Design, Environmental Assessment, Tourism and Recreation Research, Rural Development, Agricultural Extension and Development, and Agricultural Economy. It performs researches in the following areas; · Plan and design parks and open spaces, residential and industrial sites of urban and rural areas, street facilities, and computer-aided design · Environmental aesthetics, environmental assessment, design and management by landscape value assessment · Developmental planning, design, and propriety analysis of tourist destination and recreation areas · Rural residential sites, ecological cites, analysis and planning of regional environment and GIS · Agricultural extension and development, development of teaching materials, educational and training methods, and human resources · Agricultural production economics and econometrics, agricultural products prices, agricultural marketing, farm management, agricultural population and land economics, agricultural policy, agricultural finance, and rural development |
Urban Greening Institute | The Urban Greening Institute consists of divisions of Urban Afforestation Material, Urban Afforestation Technology, Urban Afforestation Planning, Landscape Plant Exhibition Gallery & Urban Afforestation Information, and Administrational Educational Support . It performs researches in the following areas; · Cultivation and production technology of landscape plants · Standardization technology of landscape plants · Special areas’ afforestation technology and creating urban forest · Urban afforestation planning and design · Relevant systems · Formation and management of landscape plants’ exhibition gallery and information provision on urban afforestation · Education for hands-on workers (government employees) on profitable businesses and urban afforestation |
Center for Education, Training, and Technology Transfer in Agriculture and Life Sciences | The Center for Education, Training, and Technology Transfer in Agriculture and Life Sciences consists of divisions of Education and Training, Public Relations, and Technical Consulting. It performs the following functions; · Education and training of persons working in agricultural and life sciences · Education and training of agricultural science and technology · Publicity of technical information and technology transfer in agricultural and life sciences · Technical advice and consultation on agricultural and life sciences & technologies |