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IUFRO 국제학술회의 심포지엄  - "21세기 산림과학의 연구와 교육방향"

2004-10-13l 조회수 3502

일시: 2004-10-13 ~

■ IUFRO 국제학술회의 심포지엄 - "21세기 산림과학의 연구와 교육방향"

국립산림과학원, 한국임학회, 서울대학교가 주관이되어 "21세기 산림과학의 연구와 교육방향"에 대하여 세계 17개국의 산림관련 학자들의 발표와 토의가 진행되었습니다.

- 일시 : 2004. 10. 12(화) 08:30-18:30
- 장소 : 서울교육문화회관 2층 가야금홀

International Symposium on “Forest Research and Education for the 21st Century”

I. Host organizations
Korea Forest Research Institute (KFRI), Korean Forest Society (KFS) and Seoul National University (SNU)

II. Sponsor organizations
IUFRO-Korea, Korea Forest Service and Korean Society of Wood Science and Technology

III. Date &Venue
October 12th (Tuesday), 2004 (08:30 – 18:30)Seoul Education and Culture Center (SECC), Seoul, Korea
* SECC is situated at 7km east of SNU campus

IV. Background
The forestry profession in Korea and many countries faces enormous challenges in the era of globalization and advanced technologies. There is an emerging need from the changing societies for the forestry professionals as the number of students enrolled in forestry faculties is declining. Forest research and education thus need to restructure their directions, objectives and curricula to cater to the dynamics of the global environment. Therefore, academicians and researchers need to reevaluate the changing demand and should seek better alternatives to educate the students and improve the capabilities of researchers in order to fit and perform effectively at work. The audience of this symposium is composed of professors, researchers, graduate and undergraduate students from universities and institutions who would like to share their views or related information on the challenges and strategies of forest education and research in their respective countries. The number of participants is expected to be more than 250 people.