Identification of the aggregation-sex pheromone produced by male Monochamus saltuarius, a major i...
Nov 9, 2017 l Hit 2183
The pine tree is the most popular tree in Korea. It is one of the most numerous trees in Korea, and it best symbolizes our mindset and spirit, which is why it has long been loved by Koreans. Unfortunately, a silent disease caused by the pine wood nematode, called the pine wilt disease, has begun t...
The IPBES Conceptual Framework - connecting nature and people
Mar 22, 2017 l Hit 2227
What does nature mean to you? When thinking of “nature,” a busy worker in a forest of buildings in the city may picture blue oceans and beautiful beaches. To a farmer who produces firm tomatoes in vibrant colors on his farm, land is a foundation of life. To a head of a mining company who is ...
Divergent evolution of multiple virus-resistance genes from a progenitor in Capsicum spp.
Mar 22, 2017 l Hit 2167
Plants have various defense mechanisms in their natural state in order to protect themselves from pathogens. Hypersensitive cell death is one of the strongest defense mechanisms of plants. Hypersensitive cell death prevents dissemination of pathogens by inducing local cell death at the invasion site aft...
Professor Jin-ho Seo’s research team (Breast milk from microalgae)
Mar 22, 2017 l Hit 2991
The wonders of breast milk have been widely known. Breast milk provides the first nutrients for newborns and is involved in health, intestinal function, the immune system, and brain development in babies. Unfortunately, although breast milk is essential for babies, no...
Developing methods to improve the absorption efficiency of oral vaccines… Selecting leading locat...
Jul 5, 2016 l Hit 2785
Oral medicine is more comfortable than injections. The advantage of oral vaccines is that they can provide an initial defense in the mucosa, which is a common infection site. However, they have reduced immune efficiency because, unlike injected vaccines, they are broken down by enz...
Developing efficient genome sequencing technologies… Building a foundation for the more efficient...
Jul 5, 2016 l Hit 3846
Next generation sequencing (NGS) has been used in various studies of plants, animals, and microorganisms, and is recognized as a core technology in genome analysis. However, while the advantage of this technology is its ability to generate large amounts of data, its weakness is that small chunks of data...
Unwelcome visitors in the night: blood-feeding pathways in mosquitoes
Jul 1, 2016 l Hit 3504
Everyone knows the feeling: you’re too busy sweltering in the heat of the sun to notice a silent thief stealing a drop of blood. We’re talking about mosquitoes, of course. But how can this blood-feeding process be carried out so rapidly? That’s exactly the question that on...
MOU with Zhejiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences, China
May 19, 2016 l Hit 2265
SNU College of Agriculture and Life Sciences (CALS) has signed an MOU with Zhejiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences (ZAAS), China. The MOU was signed by Dr. Hak Lae Lee, Dean of CALS and Dr. Meng Zhi-Qi, Vice President of ZAAS with the presence of Zhu Fuyun, director of international relations, Cai Lei...