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CALS Promotional UCC Contest

2017-03-22l Hit 2067


 SNU College of Agricultural and Life Science held the CALS UCC contest. To create a UCC that can promote the roles of our college, a total of 10 teams entered this contest. This was the first UCC contest held by CALS. The first and second prizes were each given to one team, and the third prize was given to two teams. The most important goal of this UCC was to encourage the students to explore visions of agriculture and CALS and increase their self-esteem as CALS students beyond simply creating a promotional video.


Background and preparation process of the UCC contest

 The CALS Admissions Information Office coordinated the recent UCC event. The Admissions Information Office provides information regarding admission, not only to their students, but also to high school students, and announces the opportunities for self-development to their students. We could hear all about the UCC from the Admissions Information Office: from its preparation process to its final evaluation. Because it was the first UCC held by CALS, this contest was an experimental idea for its operation team as well. However, the operation team started with a small idea and supplemented their plans through trial and error. UCC projects were received within a set period of time, and a total of 10 teams entered the contest. To encourage the participation of general students who don’t necessarily have in-depth knowledge of visual contents such as UCC, the judges focused on the contents rather than video-editing techniques or visual aesthetics. Although entertainment and humor elements were the most important criteria for evaluation, it was difficult to determine the superiority of each team based on these elements. The judges revealed that all projects were similarly good, but the teams that had slightly better visual aesthetics were given the edge. The Admissions Information Office said they would host a UCC contest on a regular basis in the future.


Story of View Campus, the winning team

 The team who won first prize in this contest was a visual content production club called View Campus. They were already active before this UCC contest and had previously entered a contest hosted by the SNU Center for Campus Life and Culture. As five out of six members were CALS students, they became interested and entered the CALS UCC contest. Although its club members enjoyed creating videos, it was challenging for them to prepare for the contest while studying for their classes. As these six students were busy taking different classes, coordinating their schedules to work together was a challenge. Furthermore, a student of the View Campus, Yong-hoon Jo (11, vocational education & workforce development), expressed this difficulty by stating that: “We wanted to record a beautiful view of a rural area from the sky, but it was not easy due to restrictions on equipment and time.” The View Campus decided to emphasize expressing the importance of agriculture in our lives for their UCC production. They entered the contest because they wanted to raise awareness of the importance of agriculture since people take it for granted, like oxygen, and do not realize how important it is. They explained that the true meaning of this contest lies in their production process rather than the final product and said that “Everyone in the club had different messages they wanted to deliver while designing the project, and we learned from sharing each other’s opinions. This contest also gave us an opportunity to rethink agriculture.”


Student Reporter Park, Yu-bin