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Interview with the Mountaineering Department (AAA) of CALS

2023-06-14l Hit 498

In the full-fledged hiking season, the number of people climbing the mountain under the warm spring sun has increased significantly. On weekends, hikers continued to visit Gwanak Mountain, a symbol of Seoul National University, and we are to introduce the hiking club ‘AAA’ of College of Agriculture and Life Science. AAA was established in 1962 by 4 students and continues its glorious history and tradition. We met the Captain of AAA, Kang Joon-ah, who is a student at Dept. of Applied Biology and Chemistry (ABC).

AAA members who visited Seoraksan Mountain during summer vacation last year (2022)

Q. Please introduce yourself briefly and introduce your club.

I'm Kang Joon-ah, class of 21 in Applied Biology and Chemistry. I'm currently the captain of AAA. AAA is short for ‘College of Agriculture and Life Science Alpine Association’, our club began in 1962 and celebrated its 60th anniversary last year(2022).

Q. How AAA's activities go, and are there any activities other than hiking?

Our club basically conducts regular activities twice a week. On weekdays, an artificial outer wall exercise is held, and we decide on hiking plans, including the number, place, and route of participants in the hike, during a club meeting. Based on the meeting, we climb natural rock walls outdoors during the weekends. In addition to our regular activities, we organize many events such as four-seasons hiking along the ridges, camps during vacations, and intensive RC (rock climbing) periods. Moreover, to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the club's foundation, we are planning to climb the Matterhorn in Switzerland this summer, which is a symbol of the mountaineering club.
Furthermore, we operate a membership system that grants full-time membership when certain requirements are met, giving members a sense of belonging and allowing them to work harder.

Q. I know AAA is a member of the University Mountaineering Federation, what activities can you experience if you join?

Thanks to alumni (OB members) who have paid membership fees, we are currently a member of the University Mountain Federation. Universities in Seoul and some other regions, which belong to the federation, gather to hold academies every season to receive education on proper climbing culture and systematic rock climbing skills. Pitch means a certain section where you can climb using a rope to prevent falling. Multi-pitch climbing involves dividing the pitch for a long route, creating multiple points of security.

Q. As it is a club with a long history, I think there will be people of various ages and colleges. Are there any difficulties in working with various people and if there is an opportunity for exchange?

During each period, about 10 to 15 out of the 40 members actively participate. In fact, the entire mountaineering society is composed largely of graduate students, graduates, as well as undergraduate students. I am the captain of the current student branch, and the graduates hold the position of the overall chairman. Graduated members invite current members to each region where they have a connection, providing opportunities for local activities and support for equipment and seedling costs.

Q. How did you get in to AAA?

I have liked sports since I was young. I went hiking a lot with my family when I was in elementary school, and I still have good memories of that time. Until middle school, I could exercise in my spare time, but in high school, I could hardly do anything other than physical education. So I started to do mountain club activities when I entered SNU.

Q. What is the most memorable moment as the club president?

The most memorable experience was overseas expedition. Earlier this year, I went on a 10-day overseas expedition to the Hida Mountains, called the Northern Alps in Japan. During other climbs, I could stop by the mart and use a car or cell phone, but this time, I had to take everything I needed in advance because I couldn't get food for 10 days. It was the first time I had lived apart from civilization for so long, it was windy, there was a lot of snow, and it was difficult to investigate Japan due to language problems. There were so many twists and turns, but the scenery was very beautiful and I remember the extraordinary experiences of avoiding the wind by digging snow with a shovel.

Q. What do you think are the strengths or charms of AAA?

As I mentioned above, there may be many difficulties and dangerous situations due to the preparation process and field conditions. But in my case, I think I go to the mountain because the people I go with can make good and special memories. Also, after a hard hike, I feel like I have the courage to say, "I've done this, but what can't I do?" and my mental strength is strengthened and my body and mind become healthy.

Q. Please tell us who you recommend to join and who are interested in the club.

I recommend it to those who like nature and want to feel the affection between people. Since hiking is carried out while protecting each other's safety, it seems that it will inevitably become tight.
Finally, as you get a job and have less time to do your hobbies, there are many people who can't go hiking. I don't know how long I can go hiking, but I hope I can do this fun thing for a long time as the mountain is good and hiking is fun.