Interview with CALS Photography Club, ‘Nokyoung’

2024-07-05l Hit 129

 In college, various hobbies and activities are an important way to meet new people and grow yourself. Among them, photography is more than just a hobby; it is a fascinating activity that allows you to express your creativity and capture special moments. We interviewed Yoo Minwoo, the 40th president of Nokyoung, a long-established photography club at Seoul National University, to find out more.

Q. Please introduce yourself briefly.

A. My name is Minwoo Yoo, a 20th-year student majoring in horticulture biotechnology at the Department of Plant Production Science. I started as the 36th president of Nokyoung in 2020, and I am the 40th president this year.

Q. Please give us a brief introduction to Nokyoung.

A. Nokyoung, which means "blue shadow," is a club that was founded in the 1980s and has a long tradition. Currently, we have about 200 members and are operating on a large scale, with a 50:50 ratio of agricultural students and students from other colleges, so people from various majors gather to form Nokyoung.

Q. What made you decide to join Nokyoung?

A. When I had just entered college, I asked the seniors around me to recommend clubs. Many seniors told me that Nokyoung was good, so I joined. I am grateful to the seniors who recommended me to join Nokyoung.

Q. What are some of your main activities and projects in Nokyoung?

A. We organize photo shoots and photo exhibitions. Some of our photo shoots are organized every month, while others are spontaneous, like the lightning shoots. The photo exhibitions are divided into S/S and F/W, so we hold a total of two photo exhibitions a year. We also organize various activities such as MT and photography trips to build camaraderie among the members.

Q. What is your most memorable episode of Nokyoung's activities?

A. After taking over as chairman, I checked the overall operation status of Nokyoung, and there were a lot of activities that were disrupted due to the coronavirus. In particular, I was impressed that in the past, we used to develop and print films ourselves, and we had a darkroom facility for this. As part of reviving Nokyoung activities that were held in the past, we set up a new darkroom and equipped it with items necessary for film development. It was a lot of fun to find and prepare.

Q. What do you think makes Nokyung unique?

A. Nokyoung is a club with a very long history, so there are many seniors who are working in jobs related to photography. In our MTs, we visit companies where our seniors who were active in Nokyoung work. In the last MT, a senior who works at Everland gave us a free pass, so we were able to visit Everland with the members of the club. Also, we have DSLR cameras and film cameras in the club room, so even those who don't have their own cameras can easily participate in the activities.

Q. Are there any additional activities you would like to do or goals you would like to achieve through your experience at Nokyoung, and if so, what are they?

A. I am a landscape architecture major. I would like to work on a personal project that combines the fields of landscape and horticulture to capture the growth and development of plants and the changes in the landscape over the seasons through photography. I would also like to make a video to share the project more widely.

Q. What are your future plans or goals for Nokyoung?

A. Nokyoung MT is scheduled for July. In addition, we are planning a homecoming day and F/W photo exhibition in the fall semester. My goal is to promote Nokyoung's culture through various events and continue networking with seniors to grow together through advice.

Q. Do you have any final words for students who are considering joining Nokyoung?

A. I think the biggest advantage is that you can try using DSLR cameras and film cameras even if you don't have your own camera. Since we often go on photo shoots, I think there are many opportunities to meet many people and build friendships. I hope you can join with a light-hearted attitude without the pressure of being a good photographer and make fun memories in your college life. We are always recruiting members, and you can join at any time by contacting us on our Instagram account or my Instagram account. Thank you for your continued support.

Knock Young Instagram: @snu.knockyoung
Minwoo Yoo, 40th President of Nokyoung Instagram: @yue_minwoo

In Nokyoung, you can discover the charm of photography and cameras, and furthermore, you can try to create works with your own unique perspective. You might think that photography is just about capturing beautiful scenes, but I realized that it's also about making valuable connections with people and sharing memories. If you want to have a more enjoyable college experience, I think green photography could be a good option for you.