Student Counseling Center Nong; Dam User Coverage

2023-10-16l Hit 473

At Seoul National University's College of Agricultural and Life Sciences, there is a student counseling room where you can receive counseling on various life concerns that can be experienced in college life. In Nong; Dam, not only career-related counseling but also psychological and emotional areas such as love, anxiety, and depression are available. To find out more, we interviewed Na Yoo-jung, a 22nd grader in the Department of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development, using Nong; Dam this September.

1. Please introduce yourself briefly.

Hello, I'm Na Yoo-jung, majoring in Agricultural Resource Economics in the Department of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development.

2. How did you come to know Nong; Dam?

When I was looking for counseling institutions in the school because I wanted to receive counseling on career and aptitude, I found out that there is also a counseling institution within the College of Agriculture. I wanted to get counseling related to my major, so I thought it would be better to use the college counseling facility, so I made a reservation through e-mail and used Nong; Dam.

3. Please briefly introduce the topic of Nong; Dam counseling.

As I entered the second semester of my second year, I had more and more worries about my career path. So I wanted to set my career direction and think deeply about what I really want to do, so I consulted.

4. Did Nong; Dam help you solve your problems? If it helped, how did it help?

It's hard to say that your concerns have been completely resolved because you've only had one consultation yet. But what's clear is what kind of person I am and what criteria I have to choose when I decide on a career. Since it's a pretty heavy topic, I was very satisfied to be able to talk comfortably about my troubles that are difficult to share with my friends.

5. Do you want to use Nong; Dam next time?

Even if it's not a career-related concern, I want to look for it again when I'm having a hard time psychologically and when I'm having a hard time in human relationships. I think the counselor listens to me very comfortably and naturally brings out my inner thoughts. First of all, I will faithfully work on the process of selecting my career direction through the remaining 2 consultations!​

6. Please say something to the classmates who haven't found Nong; Dam yet.

As I live in college, I think I have a lot of worries in various fields. Unlike when I was in school, it's a problem that I've never encountered before, so it's harder and harder to solve if I hold it alone. If you feel free to consult from Nong; Dam like this, you will be able to find out my inner feelings and aptitudes that I didn't even know! I recommend that many classmates actively use Nong; Dam. :)

It is said that Na Yoo-jung visited Nong; Dam to receive counseling on career and aptitude and received great help. In addition, it is expected that it will be helpful for students who have trouble in college life to visit the student counseling center without any burden.