2005 BK21 Workshop "New Trends of Chemical Genomics in Post-genomic Era"

2005-02-15l 조회수 3656

일시: 2005-02-15 ~
2005 BK21 Workshop; New Trends of Chemical Genomics in Postgenomic Era

- 일 시 : 2월 23일(수) 오전 9시 ~24일(목) 정오

- 장 소 : 수의과대학 소회의실

- 주 최 : BK21 농생명공학사업단

※ Workshop Program

① February 23, 2005

- 09:30 - 10:30 Registration

- 10:30 - 10:40 Welcome Address (Prof. Su-Il Kim, Head of BK21, SNU, Korea)

- 10:40 - 10:50 Welcome Address (Professor Moon-Han Lee, Dean, SNU, Korea)

- 10:50 - 11:30 An enzymatic assay for poly(ADP-ribose)
polymerase-1 (PARP-1) via the chemical quantitation of NAD(+): application to the high-throughput screening of small molecules as potential inhibitors”
(Prof. Paul Hergenrother)

- 11:30 - 12:10 Diversity-Oriented Synthesis of Heterocycles and Proteomic Screening using Small Molecule Biochip (Prof. Seung Bum Park)

- 12:10 - 13:30 Lunch Break

- 13:30 - 14:10 In vivo posttranslational modifications of the high mobility group A1a proteins in breast cancer cells of differing metastaticpotential.( Dr. R. Reeves)

- 14:10 - 14:50 Pim-1: a serine/threonine kinase with a role in cell survival, proliferation, differentiation and tumorigenesis (Dr. N. Magnuson)

- 14:50 - 15:10 Coffee Break

- 15:10 - 16:00 Professor Ho Geun Kim Yonsei University College of Medicine

- 16:00 - 16:40 Proteomic analysis of hepatocellular carcinoma-related proteins in the liver of HBx transgenic and p53 knock-out mice (Professor Je-Kyung Seong Seoul National University)

② February 24, 2005 (For workshop participants only)

- 10:00 - 10:50 Practical application of Chemical Genomics

- 11:00 - 11:50 Chemical Genomics Experiment; Novel Approach

- 12:00 ~ Ceremony

※ 문의 : 조명행 교수(880-1276)